Regulations for social entities

In order for you to enjoy the programme and use it in a responsible and respectful manner, it is important you keep in mind this information.

1.     Before making a reservation 

To be able to make a reservation with Apropa Cultura, please keep in mind:

  • Apropa Cultura tickets at a reduced price will only be available for persons assisted by a social centre or service and the companions they need.

Under no circumstances, may a group be composed only of companions, whether they are volunteers, educators o relatives.

  • Keep in mind that the minimum for a group to enjoy the Apropa Cultura rate is 5 people, and for the reduced rate the minimum is of 7 people.
  • Your accessibility needs must be clearly informed in the reservation form. Thus, those who will welcome you will have the necessary information and will be able to assist you at the best.
  • If you think that someone in the group will need to get out of the room during the show, please indicate that in the section of comments and special needs in the reservation form.

2.     Once the reservation is made

What do we need to bear in mind?

  • To guarantee your seats, it is of the most importance for cultural equipments to make the payment before the due date as set up in the reservation form.
  • Please make sure you upload the payment proof in the “Payments” section at the control panel.
  • Should you wish to modify a reservation you have already paid, please contact the Apropa coordinator of the cultural programmer, who will let you know if that is possible or not.
  • Should you wish to make changes in the accessibility conditions (number of wheelchair.
  • If you realise that you cannot go, once you have already paid the reservation, please inform the Apropa coordinator of the ultural programmer. You will not be refunded but, nonetheless, all efforts will be made to find an alternative.

3.     The day of the activity

The moment to live the experience is here!

Should a last-minute unexpected event occur, the day of the outing, warn the equipment ticket office.

This is important because, in time, the equipment can be able to relocate another group and not leave empty seats in the middle of the stalls. Out of respect for the artists and other people who could not get a ticket, it is important to take care of this sort of things.

Inform the Apropa coordinator of the cultural programmer. Though we cannot guarantee that, we will do our best to find an alternative for you. Tickets will not be refunded.

  • In the case of shows, you need to arrive at least 30 minutes in advance to get your tickets and calmly find your seats.
  • In the case of museums, you need to arrive some time in advance to leave your belongings in the cloak room and get ready for your visit.
  • Please, keep in mind that you may have to queue to get your tickets and that you may need time to find a parking space.

Resale of tickets is completely forbidden. If the day of the activity you have some spare tickets, you will have to hand them over in the ticket office.

Fraudulent use of tickets when they are used for people outside the center is grounds for cancellation of the program and will be penalized without being able to make more reservations in the next 6 months. Renewal of registration will be subject to proper monitoring and verification of correct use of the program.

4.     In the room

You need to anticipate the following aspects so all the audience can enjoy the show.

It is particularly important to switch off mobile telephones so as not to interrupt nor disturb during the show.

  • Please remind that inside the theatres, museums and other cultural equipments eating and drinking is forbidden. You can, obviously, do it in a festival or outdoors event.
  • During the show, one may only leave the room when there are applauses. In some cases, should you get out of the room, you will not be allowed to get back in.
  •  f you see that someone in your group needs to get out of the room during the show, please inform the room stewards who will indicate the most proper way to proceed.

And, most of all… enjoy the outing and think of the moment you will repeat!