Educa con el arte te da nuevas herramientas para tu día a día personal y profesional.

Yeray Pastor
Educador social Hospital Clínic

Colaborar con Acerca Cultura da sentido a nuestro trabajo.

Òscar Rodríguez
Director del SAT! Teatre
Visita al Liceu

A very recommendable outing, pleasant and easy to understand. 100% recommended

Programa Mentoria PCR
Couple of mentors with refugees / Outing to the Liceu
Gent Gran Residencia i Centre de Dia “Jaume Batlle-Poblenou”

Our elderly were moved by the songs, their faces reflected the joy. For many of them this has been the very first time to attend to a live music concert.

Fundació Pere Mata
Group of residents of the Home and Day Centre “Jaume Batlle – Poblenou”
Dolors Ricart_Miró Foundation

A national project. Apropa brings everyone closer, making us all feel the same in every possible way.

Dolors Ricart
Deputy managing director of the Miró Foundation
Mercedes Veyler

I love all the cultural outings. I don’t want to miss any of them!

Mercedes Veyler
Resident | Residència i Centre de Dia de les Corts
Montse Quer_Fundació Miró

I’m excited about Apropa and the idea of a museum for everyone. I’m proud to be working to make culture truly accessible to everyone.

Montse Quer
Accessibility manager of the Miró Foundation

Cuando uno es mayor es muy importante tener algo para entretenerse y salir adelante.

Mercè Quintana
Rèsidencia Ergos
Jordi Cusell

Imagine a world without culture. It would be a boring world!

Jordi Cusell
Bogatell Occupational Centre
Elena Martínez

We have the opportunity to rediscover our ability to enjoy and be moved by art and culture

Elena Martínez
Social worker of the SRC of Rubí, Castellbisbal and Sant Cugat
Salvador Sunyer

We all do one thing that makes sense: we open doors to unknown worlds

Salvador Sunyer
Director of the Temporada Alta Festival
Christina Scheppelmann - Liceu

Apropa Cultura helps to unite different parts of society and bring them closer together, which is fundamental and necessary.

Cristina Scheppelmann
Artistic director of the Gran Teatre del Liceu