Transport adapted for outings and cultural activities
2021/22 season of Close to Culture #NeverAlone is dedicated to the elderly in a situation of dependency or isolation, one of the groups that has suffered the most from the crisis of COVID-19 and which has registered a more marked decline when it comes to cultural outings.
To reverse this, we are promoting a new project to provide buses and minibuses to residences and day centers. With the complicity of an adapted transport company, we want to encourage that during this 21/22 season, the most vulnerable elderly people can leave their homes or day centers and enjoy a cultural activity.
During the first half of 2022, 45 residences and day centers will enjoy adapted transport to make trips to such emblematic spaces as the Tibidabo, the Liceu, the Sagrada Família, the Palau de la Música or the cultural facilities they wish. , making it possible for the people they serve to enjoy the culture. The residences participating in the project have been selected from a draw.


“Moltíssimes gràcies per la vostra iniciativa, ha estat un regal enorme per tots després de tota aquesta època-covid de no sortir de la Llar.
Feu extensiu l'agraïment a l'empresa d'autocars. L'Andrés, que és el xofer que ens va acompanyar, a banda d'un bon conductor, va tenir una sensibilitat increïble amb tots els residents.
Esperem i desitgem que aquesta sortida serà la primera de moltes, perquè ja tenim ganes de repetir."
Mercè Ramoneda, Educadora de la Llar residencial Sant Llàtzer
La iniciativa a les xarxes
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