Contact form

1. Do you need any advice on a show, how to make a reservation or the equipment? Do you need to consult a particular programming? Contact the programmer of the activity of your choice.

2. Do you need any help to register your centre or to make your first reservation? Do you need to learn more about Apropa functioning? Contact us Close to Culture Barcelona

Barcelona Ciutat
Susi Delgado | Tel. 664 71 85 10

Barcelona Municipis
Clara Forteza | Tel. 627 158 641
​Alt Penedès, Anoia, Bages, Baix Llobregat ,Barcelonès (l’Hospitalet de Llobregat i Santa Coloma de Gramenet), Garraf, Maresme.

Barcelona Municipis
Elena Costa | Tel. 627 877 576
Barcelonès (Badalona), Berguedà, Moianès, Osona, Vallès occidental, Vallès oriental.

3. Are you a cultural programmer and do you want to join our project? Send us an email!

4. Should you have any doubt, please read our FAQS where you will find the answer to other general issues.

5. If you have any suggestion or want simply to make a comment, fill in the FORM at the end of this page and we will contact you as soon as possible. Please, remind to fill in the “Inquiry” box consistently with the “Message”, it will be very helpful. Thank you very much!