We all need culture

Close to Culture 2016/17

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Apropa Cultura, a party has been organized that will take place in Room 2 of L’Auditori de Barcelona this afternoon at 7 p.m. Users, facilities, artists, social organizations, authorities will meet to demand universal access to culture and blow out the candles on a large birthday cake, courtesy of Cal Tiana.

 The event will be presented by journalist Toni Puntí and will feature the participation of Sonia Gainza, the director of the Apropa Cultura program, Neus Munté, Minister of the Presidency of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Laia Ortiz, Third Deputy Mayor and Director of the 'Area of ​​Social Rights of the Barcelona City Council and Juanjo Puigcorbé, Deputy for Culture of the Barcelona Provincial Council.

You can also learn about the experience of users and educators and enjoy the performances of dancer and choreographer Cesc Gelabert, a quartet made up of musicians from the OBC, soprano Begoña Alberdi and the Cor Apropa. The event will also recognize the work of the most committed entities during these ten years that will receive a commemorative diploma.

Fins el diumenge 30 d’octubre se celebraran més de 200 activitats als 63 equipaments culturals d’arreu de Catalunya que en formen part. Entre les novetats d’aquest any, destaca l’activitat anomenada “Cruïlla Apropa” que consistirà en un intercanvi d’experiències entre una entitat social i un equipament. L’entitat tindrà l’oportunitat de visitar un equipament d’una manera especial i després serà el personal de l’equipament qui visitarà el centre social per compartir-hi una activitat. D’aquesta manera, també seran les entitats qui obriran les seves portes i podran mostrar el seu món, els seus valors i les seves realitats.