For an inclusive culture

Close to Culture 2015/16

With the need to communicate the program beyond the social world and to give visibility to the global project and the individual actions of each facility, Apropa Cultura, in collaboration with the affiliated facilities, made a communication action called 1st Week Apropa Cultura.

The campaign began with a joint press conference on October 19 and consisted of a week of activities from October 26 to November 1. Different graphic, audiovisual and web content materials were produced. On the part of the facilities, work was also done at the programming level, with some specific activities for the week. Finally, the dissemination was also worked on with the press.

This action demonstrated the ability to form a network between all the facilities participating in the program: to carry it out we formed specific working groups (communication, press and social networks) and with the collaboration of professionals from cultural facilities we did a great campaign possible.