The Band us Closer


Closer to Culture projects

Series of weekday morning concerts specially designed for seniors

Close to Culture, in collaboration with La Banda Municipal de Barcelona, ​​created in the 18/19 season a series of weekday morning concerts especially designed for elderly people in situations of dependency or vulnerability.

During this time, the Band has presented four popular programs that have opera as a common thread, great classics of song and film music with a great reception from our audience.

La Banda ens Apropa
Conciertos matinales fuera del territorio.

A partir de la temporada 22/23, la Banda nos Acerca también llega a los barrios ofreciendo dos conciertos anuales fuera del Auditorio.

Con estas sesiones matinales, La Banda hace más accesible la cultura y la música, fomentando las relaciones comunitarias e intergeneracionales entre institutos y residencias del barrio. Para las personas mayores, constituye una experiencia enriquecedora y muy diferente a su rutina habitual.

Esta temporada ya se han podido disfrutar dos encuentros, uno en las Cocheras de Sants, donde cerca de 500 personas, con más de cien sillas de ruedas, pudieron asistir al concierto "Los felices años veinte, gracias al acompañamiento de más de un centenar de alumnos de cuatro institutos de Sants, y el segundo en el Casino de la Alianza, con 100 sillas de ruedas de residencias y centros de día de personas mayores del barrio de Poblenou.

Conciertos La Banda nos Acerca

You dare?

El pasado viernes 12 de enero, la plaza de las Cocheras de Sants fue el escenario de un nuevo concierto de La Banda nos Acerca.
Relaxed sessions

Relaxed sessions were introduced in cultural spaces abroad by thinking about the needs of people with difficulties in social interaction, extreme sensitivity to sensory stimuli and aversion to unpredictable factors that break routines.
​For these people, any exit can be a cause of distress and anxiety, in addition to the fear that the person's behavior may be judged severely by other people.

Relaxed sessions take place in a more relaxed and welcoming environment with more tolerant rules regarding audience movement and noise. They may also involve minor adjustments to the show (illumination, sound, etc.) and in the reception of the public, to better adapt to their needs.

These types of sessions are aimed at all individuals and families who prefer to enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere, thus reducing levels of anxiety and making it a better experience (families with children, people with Alzheimer's, people with autism, etc.).

Here you can see the video of Ballet de Barcelona performing a relaxed performance of "The Nutcracker" for people with functional diversity at the Casino de la Alianza.

Want to know more about relaxed sessions?


The Band in the networks

Awareness workshops

To complete the experience of the concerts, workshops have been designed for each program of the cycle.

These are musical meetings between different social groups with the musicians of the Municipal Band. The aim is to approach various social realities, create links and at the same time share the importance of music in the everyday life of all people. The workshops take place before the concert in the Auditorium.