Apropa Choir
The Apropa Choir, began spontaneously in 2014, through the initiative of a group of professionals who took part in the Close to Culture training sessions.
They all found that choral singing could help them grow personally and professionally.
Once a month, the Apropa Choir comes together in L’Auditori to rehearse, release daily stress and tension, and share experiences.
The result of these meetings is an annual concert which takes place in L’Auditori de Barcelona in June.

Josep Prats, the Director
From the beginning, the Director is Josep Prats. Born in Sant Feliu de Llobregat in 1953, he studied at the Conservatories of Barcelona and Badalona, and directed by Antoni Ros Marbà.
In addition to several choral groups that he has directed in recent years (Coral Allegro, Corales del Arco), he is currently in charge of the Coral Cantiga (Barcelona) and the City of Tarragona Choir (Tarragona).
He has been a professor at the Barcelona Theater Institute and the Higher Conservatory of Music of the Liceu, associate director of the Spanish Broadcasting Choir (Madrid) and guest conductor for different choirs, both amateur and professional (Chapel of Santa María del Mar, National Choir of Men of Estonia, etc.).
He is also director of the Cantània program, which annually organizes the Pedagogical Service of the Auditori of Barcelona.

Ensayos y conciertos de la Temporada 2023-2024
29 de septiembre – Sala 4
20 octubre - Sala 3
24 noviembre - Sala 2
15 diciembre - Sala 3
26 de enero – Sala 4
23 de febrero – Sala 3
15 de marzo – Sala 4
5 de abril – Sala 4
19 de abril - Sala 3
3 de mayo - Sala 4
17 de mayo - Sala 2
31 de mayo – Sala 2
7 junio – Sala 3
14 de junio CONCIERTO FINAL SALA 2 Oriol Martorell
Cantar nos acerca | 10 años del Coro Acerca
El pasado viernes 14 de junio celebramos el concierto del décimo aniversario del Coro Acerca Cultura que fue un éxito, de nuevo!
Un concierto con una energía insuperable que contó con la participación del Coro de mujeres de Xamfrà que celebraba también el su XX aniversario.
Músicos: Antonio Sánchez Barranco, Pep Coca y Jaume Salas
Víctor Valls pianista
Magalí Sala, Directora Coro Xamfrà
Pep Prats Director Coro Acerca
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