Tarragona Rates
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TarragonaFind out about our rates and start booking!
Close to Culture is a resource for cultural leisure
As a social entity, you can book tickets at an exceptional price.
There are two types of rate: the Apropa rate and the Reduced rate.
Once you have registered as a social entity, we assign one of these two rates to you according to the nature of your centre.
This is the standard rate for the programme and it can be used for the following:
- Shows, exhibitions and activities at a maximum of 3€ per person
- Groups of at least 5 people, including assisted people and companions.
Note: under no circumstances a group can be composed only of companions, whether they are volunteers, educators or relatives.
This is designed for social centres that work with people with disability or in a vulnerable situation:
- People with intellectual disability: occupational centres, occupational therapy services, residences...
- People with social problems derived from mental illness: day centres, social clubs, community rehabilitation services...
- People with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- People with physical, hearing and visual disability in a vulnerable situation.
- Elderly people: residences, day centres, programmes that combat isolation, programmes for social inclusion...
- People with addictions.
- People deprived of liberty.
- Migrants, refugees and persons belonging to ethnical minorities.
- Persons belonging to the LGTBI group in a vulnerable situation.
- Children and adolescents: Residential educative centres and open centres...
- Women: gender violence and vulnerability.
- Homeless people.
- People in a situation of risk of social exclusion: care centres, social service centres...
This is a special rate for other social entities that also merit a discount:
- Shows - Prices from 0€ - 10€ per person and for groups of at least 7 people.
- Visits to exhibitions - The price and the minimum size of group depend on each activity.
This is for centres and entities related with the health sector and relatives’ associations:
- Entities of the health sector.
- Relatives’ associations linked to syndromes or diseases.
- Social entities where the number of companions is higher than those of users.
- Homes for elderly people.
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