Below you can check the registered social centers. You can search filtering by the name of the center, the town, province and group.
Showing 3661 - 3680 of 3887 centers
Center or Service name | Province | Town | Collective | Entity | Tarifa |
Serveis socials. Ajuntament de Manresa | Barcelona | Manresa |
Alzheimer's and other dementias Hearing impairment Physical disability Intellectual disability Visual impairment Women in vulnerable situations Elderly people Childhood & Youth LGTBI Chronic diseases Ethnic minority Poverty Mental health Homelessness Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Ajuntament de Manresa | Close to Culture |
Servicio Comidas en Compañía Bon pastor | Barcelona | Barcelona | Elderly people | SERHS FOOD | Close to Culture |
Servicio de alojamiento para personas sin Hogar | Madrid | Madrid capital |
Poverty Homelessness |
Asociación Realidades- Fundación Atenea | Close to Culture |
SERVICIO DE ATENCIÓN PSICOLÓGICA A MUJERES VICTIMAS DE VIOLENCIAS MACHISTAS Y SUS HIJAS E HIJOS | Mallorca | Palma | Women in vulnerable situations | Fundació IRES (Fundació Institut de Reinserció Social) | Close to Culture |
Servicio de atención residencial | Mallorca | Palma |
Intellectual disability Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Amadiba | Close to Culture |
Servicio de Habilitación y Terapia Ocupacional | Mallorca | Palma | Physical disability | Fundació Natzaret | Close to Culture |
Servicio de ocio de ADFYPSE | Madrid | Leganés |
Intellectual disability Elderly people |
ADFYPSE | Close to Culture |
Servicio de Ocio Down Madrid | Madrid | Madrid capital | Intellectual disability | Fundación síndrome de Down Madrid | Close to Culture |
Servicio de Ocio Surestea | Madrid | Arganda del Rey |
Physical disability Intellectual disability Mental health |
Asociacion Surestea | Close to Culture |
Servicio de Ocio y Deporte | Madrid | Madrid capital |
Hearing impairment Physical disability Intellectual disability Visual impairment Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Fundación SER | Close to Culture |
Servicio de Prevención Villa de Vallecas | Madrid | Madrid capital |
Childhood & Youth Migration & Refugees Poverty |
Asociación Ciudad Joven | Close to Culture |
Servicio de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal del Govern Balear | Mallorca | Palma | Elderly people | Servicios de Teleasistencia S.A | Close to Culture |
Servicio de Voluntariado y Ocio Fundación Manantial | Madrid | Madrid capital | Mental health | Fundación Manantial | Close to Culture |
Servicio Educación Social Ayuntamiento de Madrid | Madrid | Madrid capital |
Women in vulnerable situations Childhood & Youth |
Asociación Las Alamedillas | Close to Culture |
Servicio Grupo de Jóvenes | Mallorca | Calvià | Intellectual disability | ASDICA | Close to Culture |
Servicio Ocupacional La Purísima | Mallorca | Palma |
Hearing impairment Physical disability Intellectual disability Visual impairment Mental health Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Fundación Educativa Franciscanas de la Inmaculada | Close to Culture |
Servicio Prelaboral Unitat Polivalent de L'Hospitalet | Barcelona | L'Hospitalet de Llobregat | Mental health | Germanes Hospitalàries del Sagrat Cor de Jesús | Close to Culture |
SIDA STUDI | Barcelona | Barcelona |
Childhood & Youth LGTBI |
SIDA STUDI | Close to Culture |
SIE ALT EMPORDÀ | Girona | Figueres | Women in vulnerable situations | SUMAR ACCIO SOCIAL | Close to Culture |
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